- Cité Universitaire is primarily open to students aged between 18 and 35 of any nationality who are enrolled at the University of Geneva or similar university, including a university of applied science.
- We have space for 850 people, and we offer single rooms, studios and apartments that can sleep 2–4 people.
- Residents may stay for a maximum of six semesters.
To apply for accommodation, you need to create an account on logetud.
The deadlines for applications are :
- 30 November for the spring semester
- 31 May for the autumn semester.
Outside these periods, you can always contact us by email at cite-uni@unige.ch to check our availability.
Who is eligible to get an accomodation at Cité universitaire de Genève ?
The Cité universitaire de Genève welcomes less than 35 yo students, registered at :
• The University of Geneva
• HES SO in Geneva
• Geneva Graduate Institue (IHEID)
How to book an accomodation at Cité universitaire de Genève ?
You must submit your booking request through the link https://www.logetud.ch
• before May 31st for the Fall semester
• before November 30th for the Spring semester
In order to complete the form and register your request, you need to successfully create and activate a logetud.ch user account.
The document here will help you complete this process
When will my application be assessed ?
For the fall semester (semester starting in September), you will get an answer between June and August.
For the spring semester (semester starting in February), you will get a reply around December and January.
Application forms are evaluated by our Management and the accommodation offers are done by chronological order of receipt on a first-come, first-served basis.
What is a hosting contract ?
It is a contract that gives the host, the right of occupancy, against payment, of a furnished room coming with a few services.
Can I choose my accommodation ?
When submitting your booking request, you may choose the accommodation you wish.
We will do our best to grant your wish according to our availability.
Application forms are evaluated by our Management and the accommodation offers are done by chronological order of receipt on a first-come, first-served basis
May I choose my roommates ?
Unfortunately not.
How can I confirm my booking accommodation ?
In order to confirm your booking accommodation, you have to prepay for our first month invoice through your CUG portal. You will be informed of a payment duration.
After this duration, your accommodation will be offered to another applicant.
To prepay for it, you can :
• Log in your CUG portal and use your credit card
• Money transfer to the related bank account specifying your name, firstname and room number. The money transfer takes more time than the credit card payment.
How can I cancel my booking ?
You may cancel your booking on the day before the first day of your hosting contract, at the latest.
You only need to inform us by email
However, administrative fees will not be refunded (CHF 100.-)
How can I pay for the security deposit ?
The security deposit is CHF 600.- for a room or CHF 1200.- for a studio.
It has to be mandatory dealt with before your arrival to Cité universitaire. Without this document, you cannot get your room keys.
The security deposit is temporary frozen in case of damage to your room.
It will be returned about a month after your departure from Cité universitaire de Genève.
It is possible for you to manage the security deposit process with FirstCaution by contacting Mr Rui LOPES or firstcaution information
You can also process with the security deposit with a bank in Geneva (but not the Post).
You cannot pay for the security deposit to the Cité universitaire de Genève bank account nor at the Reception.
What is a RC Insurance ?
It is the Civil liability insurance.
As a resident, you must be affiliated to a RC.
If you have one, please upload your insurance certificate on your CUG portal.
If you do not have one, you will be automatically affiliated to the Cité's which is CHF 31.50 per year.
What is a registration certificate?
This is a document that you will receive at the beginning of each semester from the UNIGE / IHEID or HES-SO Geneva and which certifies that you are registered as a regular student for the academic semester. You have to upload this document to your CUG Booking profile by 15 October for the autumn semester and by 15 March for the spring semester.
Swiss electrical socket
For Switzerland, there are two types of plugs, C and J. The C type plug has two round pins, and the J type plug has three round pins. Switzerland operates on a supply voltage of 230 V and 50 Hz.

European and French plugs are not compatible with Swiss sockets. An adapter is required. We recommend that you buy one before you arrive at the Cité universitaire de Genève.
Can I sublet my accommodation ?
It is strictly forbidden to sublet your accommodation while you are away. This leads in an immediate termination of your hosting contract.
Can I be away of my room for a long period ?
For buildings A & B residents, you can ask to leave your room for a maximum duration of two months according to the following reasons :
• Military service
• Medical matters
• Internship for your studies
You will have to empty your room and drop the room keys back to the Reception. Monthly rent invoices are to be prepaid for. In case your room is rented again, you will get a prorata refund.
For buildings C & D residents, it is not possible to leave your accommodation without paying the monthly invoices.
Can I move to another accommodation ?
You may ask to move to another accommodation during your stay with us. CHF 75.- of fees will apply.
To do so, you have to fill the room change request on your CUG portal. Your request is valid for the next two months.
However, we may decline your request if we see that :
• You are late paying our monthly invoices
• You have been reported for disrespect of our intern rules
• There is a lack of cleaning of your accommodation
How can I pay for my monthly invoice ?
As a resident, your main duty is to pay for our monthly invoice on time, before the 11th of the ongoing month.
Each month (between the 1st and the 5th), our monthly invoice will be available on your CUG portal.
Please process with the payment of our monthly invoice by using one of the following payment methods :
• Payment with credit card on your CUG portal
• Use the QR code slip to pay for in cash at the Post Office (available on your CUG portal)
• Money transfer to the related bank account specifying your name, firstname and room number. (The money transfer takes more time than the credit card payment)
• Using E-banking service to pay for with the QR code and the reference number of the ongoing monthly invoice which leads to an automatic payment by our accounting service.
Who should I contact in case of technical issue in my accommodation ?
In case of any technical issue, please fill the repair form online your CUG Portal then someone from the technical staff will come to your accommodation to fix it as quick as possible (from Monday to Friday).
If the Reception is closed and in case of emergency, you must call our watchman at 0041 22 839 22 39 (no sms !).
Do I have to clean my accommodation ?
Yes, it is your job in order to maintain good living conditions.
You are responsible of the cleanliness of your accommodation and, if you have roommates, of the common areas shared all together too.
Moreover, you are all responsible for any damage in your accommodation. During your stay among us, you have to leave your room perfectly clean and tidy as well as the common areas (kitchen, living room, bathroom).
For the buildings A & B residents: Some cleaning equipments are provided upon request at the Reception : vacuum cleaner, broom, mop, iron and iron table…
Our housekeeping service comes once every two weeks in your accomodation to clean it.
For buildings C & D residents : your accommodation comes equipped with all the cleaning equipments required. If you need to have a new one, please fill an online repair form through your CUG portal.
Cleaning products are at your charge.
We remind you that you are responsible of the cleanliness of your accommodation (including the common areas).
Cleanliness controls are performed anytime during the semester. It is up to you now !
Can I bring my cat over ?
Pets are unfortunately not welcomed at Cité universitaire unless it is a service animal (upon medical certificate).
How can I get my mails ?
In order to collect your mails and parcels in your mail box, the sender must specify your full name, firstname and address which is on your hosting contract. One address per building at Cité !
If the parcel does not fit the mail box, a delivery notice will be dropped in with the pick up instructions.
The Reception does not care or manage the mails/parcels at Cité universitaire.
We suggest you to also give your mobile phone number to the delivery companies (DHL, DPD etc…) as it is easier for the delivery man to reach you and hand over the parcel.
You cannot receive mails or parcels if your name is not on your mail box (please ask a sticker with your name on it at the Reception).
Before your arrival and after your departure, you cannot receive any mails or parcels.
Can I have a guest staying over ?
It is possible for you to have a guest staying over, please follow carefully the next steps :
You have to ask an extra bed to the Reception during our opening hours or with the watchman.
The cost is CHF 15.00 per night, and your guest's identity card or passport must be presented for check-in, which is compulsory.
For buildings A & B residents: : a fully furnished extra bed will be loaned to you (to bring back to the Reception before noon the day your guest leaves)
we will give you a set of bed linen and bath towels then our team will come to unlock the trundle bed in your room. Of course, our team will lock again the trundle bed the day your guest leaves. Make sure to bring the bag of bed linen back to the Reception before noon that same day.
We will ask you to provide us with the ID or passport of your guest in order to register him/her (mandatory) and pay CHF 15.- per night, even if you do not need the extra bed. The maximum duration is 15 days in a row for a single room and 30 days in a studio.
Where can I store my bags or suitcases ?
A secure storage area is at your disposal if you need us to keep your belongings (suitcases, boxes) during your stay at Cité universitaire de Genève.
You have to take an appointment first with the Reception and then drop your belongings. The secure storage area is not accessible on weekends and bank holidays.!
What happen if I loose my room keys ?
In case of loss or theft of your room keys, you must inform the Reception.
You will have to pay for a new set of keys.
How can I cancel my hosting contract ?
If you have to leave Cité universitaire before the end of your hosting contract, you must respect the deadline notice specified on your hosting contract.
For buildings A & B residents: 15 days notice, you must fill the Advanced cancellation form at the Reception before the 15th of the ongoing month for a departure at the end of this month.
For buildings C & D residents: 30 days notice for a departure at the end of the month and you must find another candidate to take your room over. Make sure to inform our Admission service (Secretariat) by email
More information about the cancelation details in the article 3 of your hosting contract.
How can I extend my stay ?
Every spring period, our Secretariat will send a renewal form to all of you by email.
You must inform us if you plan to leave Cité universitaire or extend your stay among us.
If you plan to extend your stay, you must remain registered for the next semester. A new hosting contract will be available on your CUG portal.
For residents who arrived in September for only one semester, you must contact our Secretariat by email at cite-uniatunige.ch before November 30th in order to extend your hosting contract.
However, we may decline your request if we see that :
• You are late paying our monthly invoices
• You have been reported for disrespect of our intern rules
• There is a lack of cleaning of your accommodation
The maximum duration of your stay among us is 6 semesters (3 years).
Can I extend my stay more than 6 semesters ?
It is unfortunately not possible to extend your stay more than 6 semesters.
It is your responsability to look after another accommodation, on time.
We suggest you to take care of this matter as soon as possible.
My hosting contract ends on June 30th, can I stay in my accommodation in July and August ?
Yes, you can stay in your accommodation during the summer only if you inform our Secretariat by email
No hosting contract will be created for this period but articles remain applicables especially the advanced cancelation rules.
Can I go away on summer holidays and come back after ?
For buildings A & B residents:
Yes, you can enjoy your summer holidays only if you have correctly filled the renewal form.
The minimum duration is 3 weeks. Your hosting contract will resume on September 1st even if you will be back after this date.
While you are away and from July 1st to August 31st only, you will not have to pay for our monthly invoices. Of course, your room must be cleaned and emptied.
The storage area remains available if you need.
For buildings C & D residents:
Even if you leave Cité universitaire for summer holidays, you do remain responsible of the monthly invoices.
Lithium-Ion batteries : Precautions of use
In recent years, the use of electrical appliances with lithium-ion batteries has become part of our daily lives, but this does not mean they are without danger.
• To protect your batteries, keep them out of direct sunlight in summer and out of unheated rooms in winter
• Always use the device's original chargers
• When charging, keep combustible materials away. For example, don't charge your smartphone on your bed or bedside table while you're sleeping.
• Recharge at room temperature, in an airy place
• Do not store batteries empty, but rather half-charged
• Do not attempt to extinguish a battery fire. Unplug the charger without endangering yourself, or turn off the power, close the door, call 118 and evacuate the premises.
• if the battery is damaged (deformed, swollen), do not use it any more, and dispose of it at a special collection point.
The closest pharmacy is « pharmacie de la Cité universitaire » located Chemin des Clochettes 8A. https://www.onedoc.ch/en/pharmacy/geneva/ebaf3/pharmacie-cite-universitaire
What emergency numbers do I need to know?
118 Firemen
117 Police
144 Ambulances
112 International emergencies
What formalities do I have to do before leaving ?
• You have to come to the Reception to sign the security deposit releasing form.
• You have to pay for our monthly invoice if it is not done yet
• You must clean your accomodation (including the common areas with your roommates). Extra cleaning fees may occure and deducted from your security deposit.
• You have to drop your accomodation keys back to the Reception at 10am the latest on your check-out day. If the Reception is closed, make sure to give the keys back to the watchman.
How can I get rid of some bulky items ?
If you need to get rid off some bulky items, we suggest you to contact the roads department at 0041 800 22 42 22 or https://www.geneve.ch/fr/demarches/demander-debarras-objet-encombrant
Also, you can also donate your items to another resident if needed.
How to get my security deposit back ?
The room inspection will be done once we get your room keys back to the Reception.
If the cleanliness of your accommodation does not match our standard, some extra fees might be deducted from your security deposit.
Our accounting service will do its best to release the security deposit as quick as possible but it usually takes 1 month to get it back.